Burning Man Lexicon

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Blatantly stolen from Orphan Endorphin: All about Burning Man Lingo!

Captain Ron over at Orphan Endorphin has created a spectacular burgin resource collection, as well as a robust facebook presence.

If you are new to Burning Man, or need a refresher, we recommend visiting their website. Also, stop by their camp and say Thank You. 

As you read through the various facebook, reddit, spark, and eplaya resources, you might be bewildered by some of the abbreviations, slang, lingo, and/or acronyms.

Well wonder no more

ARCTICA – Ice vendor located in Center Camp. See also Ice Cubed and Ice 9

BLM – Bureau of Land Management (enemies of fun)

BMIR – Burning Man Information Radio 94.5

BMORG – (aka BORG) Burning Man Organization (fun haters)

BRC – Black Rock City

BURGIN – Burner / Virgin 1st time burner

CENTER CAMP – Heart of the city, performance stage, art gallery, and ice vending.

DARKTARD – Clueless jackass standing, sitting, walking or riding the playa at night without lights. Also known as Darkwad.

DEFAULT WORLD – Purgatory outside of Burning Man

DGS –  Directed group ticket sale (Now known as Stewards Ticket Sales)

DMV – Department of Mutant Vehicles (art cars)

DMZ – Deep playa Music Zone, area out by the 11:00 & K where all the BIGASS sound cars gather

DPW – Department of Public Works – Builders of BRC

EA – Early Arrival, builders of the city. (see WAP)

ESD – Emergency Services Department, fire and emergency medical

ESPLANADE – Street adjacent to inner playa, LOTS of interactivity

EXODUS – Outbound traffic from BRC, exit times can be 8 or more hours on Sunday or Monday (Pro tip: stay for full cleanup and moop patrol, and miss the lines)

ICE 9 – Ice sales at the 9:00 plaza

ICE CUBED – Ice sales at the 3:00 plaza

INGRESS – Inbound traffic to BRC, wait times can be as long as 8 hours on opening day

LNT – Leave No Trace

MOOP – Matter Out Of Place (trash)

OSS – Outside Services Supplier, Commercial supplier for water, trucking, rental portos, bulk food delivery, ect

PLACERS – Godlike beings who are few in number but dedicate MANY hours in laying out the city

PLAYA NAME – Nickname, or persona that burners will know you by (must be given to you by a Veteran burner)

PLAYA TIME – A unique variable TIME ZONE that only exists in BRC, events occur 1 to 2 hours later than scheduled based on weather, wind speed, ambient air temperature, blood alcohol content, DJ attitude, and porto lines

P&P – Plug and Play camps, usually housing 1% er’s with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement

PORTO – Porto potty, toilet facilities spread throughout the city

RANGERS – Good guys in white hats, NOT law enforcement, helpful goto folks on playa for emergencies, issue mediation, and  information

SPARKLE PONY – New Burner with no idea of Radical Self Reliance. Native habitat are P&P camp

TRASH FENCE – 9 Mile long perimeter fence surrounding BRC built to catch wind blown trash

TTITD – That Thing In The Desert

WAP – Work Access Pass, (formally EAP) early entry to BRC so theme camps can set up

WOOK – Dirty hippie attendee with no food, water or shelter, looking to beg, steal or mooch off of others. Almost always stoned.

Have you found Burning Man slang, lingo, and/or acronyms not listed? Dash us a note!