Rub a Dub Dub: Take a Playa Scrub

Camp showers! One of our camp offerings is a dedicated shower space with safe and ecologically responsible wastewater management. In 2022, we utilized a pump and a small heater (which…

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Ice, Ice Baby

ICE YOUR COOLERS!! We are a permitted kitchen: Keep your community food safe. When you pack for your trip to BRC - your cooler should be iced. Make sure to…

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Community Kitchen (done right)

Cook once for 25, and eat for a week! One of the best perks of our camp is our village Kitchen. The PolyParadise kitchen includes all of the items you…

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What the hell is Burning Man anyway?

Welcome to the playa, my fellow burners! Whether you're a veteran or a first-timer, Burning Man is an experience like no other. For one week, we leave behind the default…

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